Savings without impacting
Guest Experience.

Power-Star have managed to reduce hospitality energy usage by up to 30% by focussing on low-to-no cost interventions that save energy when the guest is not aware of it

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Key hospitality

The guest experience is sacred – any interventions must ensure that there is no ill-effect on the guest. High resolution data provides clarity on when and where your energy is being used. Typical hotels use 60-80% of peak power during the middle of the night hen there is no activity taking place on site Follow a structured approach to energy savings, looking at all facets of your energy requirements. Ensure that your bills are accurate and the bestavailable tariff is being applied to your energy.

Our clients.

Our clients.

Hospitality & Tourism case studies

Read about our case study at The One and Only Hotel Cape Town, where we saw some amazing resuts following a six week intervention process

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