Smart Water Measurement

Effective resource management starts with measurement. Our systems give you the tools to target waste and reduce consumption.

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  • Explore
    Verify Water Consumption and Allocate Costs
  • Explore
    Target Leaks and Eliminate Waste
  • Explore
    Web-Enable Your Meter
  • Explore
    Optimise Your Performance

Identify and eliminate waste with water measurement

Measure, translate and communicate your water consumption in real time with Powerstar. Our high-resolution data will give you the insight needed to recognise waste (leaks) and target inefficient processes (cleaning).

We offer inline meters, ultrasonic meters and pulse pick ups for existing water meters. All data is transmitted digitally to our online energy intelligence platform for active water management.

Start measuring your water consumption in real-time today

Powerstar measures water, fuel, chemicals and raw materials. Provide us with a modbus register or pulse input and we will deliver detailed insights.

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Significant water savings through targeted management at Spier Hotel

Read about the interventions Spier Hotel implemented using our water measurement platform to target specific areas

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