Power Factor Solutions

An improvement in your power factor will result in lower energy bills for almost all commercial and industrial customers. Power Factor projects can have exceptional return-on-investment of 6-24 months

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    Online power factor reporting and monitoring
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    Supply, Install, Repair
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    Routine Inspections and PFC surveys
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    Is quality of supply impacting your power factor?

Learn more about power factor correction

Power factor is a complex electrical concept that can be simply explained. It is important to understand the effect of power factor correction and to learn when it is critical to analyse and when not. Read our article if you want to learn more about how power factor works, and how power factor correction can save you money.

Powerstar provides a full turn-key power factor solution. From supplying systems, designing custom solutions and surveying and repairing existing units, you can be assured that we can meet your specific needs.

Cape Town plastic plant saves more than R1.115 million after upgrading their power factor unit and changing the tariff they’re on.

Upgrading the PFC unit and changing the tariff were two simple solutions to large savings.

[dylan_button text=”R1.115 Million Saved” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fpowerstar.co.za%2Fsavings-at-large-plastic-recycling-plant%2F||target:%20_blank|” style=”dark-out” alignment=”text-center”]

Power factor intervention saves R144 000 per annum at Bokomo site

Our power factor correction systems installed at Bokomo Savoury Foods has outperformed expectations and provided exceptional ROI’s

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Dynamic Plastics use power factor correction to increase network capacity and reduce costs

Reducing network capacity charges and increasing network capacity were clear benefits of the power factor correction at Dynamic Plastics

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