Why Measure?

Whether you are looking to verify your municipal bill, manage your plant more effectively, benchmark your energy usage, eliminate waste or drive down energy costs, Powerstar online measurement will help you achieve your goal.

Here is a short summary of the more important features of Powerstar online measurement:

  • Billing accuracy – Evaluate billing accuracy with specific reference to the quantum of energy and energy related charges
  • Tariff Optimisation – Ensure that your site is on the best available tariff, in accordance with Municipal bylaws and NERSA regulations.
  • Operational efficiency – Eliminate waste by measuring and reporting consumption in non trading hours.
  • Benchmarks – Rank sites based on energy intensity, this will give guidance to future upgrades and or target energy interventions.
  • Behavioral change – Use benchmarks and indexed performance to establish store specific targets or energy KPI’s.
  • Technical Analysis – Supply on-site personnel with critical information in order to make the informed decisions on all electricity based opportunities such as Power Factor, Phase balance, supply voltage and many others.
  • Real-time-data – 60 second interval data supplied in real time to the website.

The meter is easy to install and our experts will know the minute your meter comes online to complete the activation process. Measure your Main Incomers and any Significant Energy Users (SEU’s) for optimal results.


Learn more about tariff and billing

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[dylan_button text=”BILLING DISPUTES” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fpowerstar.co.za%2Fbilling-disputes%2F|||” style=”light-out” alignment=”text-center”]