Unique Product offering.

Our product offering includes all aspects required to put you on the journey to energy efficiency. From metering and management to energy interventions, we strive to provide a complete solution.

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Power Factor Correction

An improvement in your power-factor will result in lower energy bills for almost all commercial and industrial customers. Power-Factor projects can have exceptional return-on-investment of 6-24 months

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Energy Intelligence

Power-Star’s online energy meter provides real-time energy data; accurately measuring energy metrics for informed energy management.

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Water Measurement

Effective resource management starts with measurement. Our systems give you the intelligence to target waste and reduce consumption.

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Portable Data Logger

Our mobile data loggers are an essential tool for energy professionals, contractors and consultants. Great for energy audits and project evaluation.

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Load Controller

Time to take control of your kVA demand charge.
Peak demand represents a significant part of your energy bill. Reduce your costs by targeting significant energy users.

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Power Quality Monitoring

As switched power supply equipment such as VSD’s and electronic lights become more widespread, a general loss in power quality is becoming clear.

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Efficiency Projects

Choose the right project to do, using technical and financial considerations backup by qualified professional advice.

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Lighting Projects

Comprehensive lighting design and implementation with quality products ensures exceptional project paybacks.

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High Efficiency Cooling

Space cooling can make up 10-50% of your energy use. Ensure that your current system is operating efficiently, or investigate better technologies.

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Motor Control

Stop wasting energy with ineffective motor loads – ensure that load matches the energy use by using variable speed drives.

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Solar Solutions

We scope, design, install, and monitor multiple solar solutions tailormade to your need.

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All the services you need
in one place

Our service offering includes: Billing disputes, project evaluation, energy management and power factor surveys

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