Heinz Atlantis saved significant energy through weekend load optimization

Heinz Atlantis manufactures various frozen pre-baked goods in a large facility based in Atlantis. The site was one of the early adopters of the Power-Star Energy Management system and as such has seen some great results. Initial investigation showed a distinct opportunity in base load management and additional work has been done to decrease the peak demand.

The primary goal was to reduce electricity spend, with an additional goal of reaching certain sustainability targets

The main areas of optimization were as follows:

  • Base load management
    • Use of small mobile compressors for cleaning over weekends instead of keeping the large compressor running
    • Procedures were set in place to ensure lights were off over weekends
    • The refrigeration system, which is a very large part of the load on site, is switched off over weekends when outside temperatures are appropriate
  • Peak demand management: Various interventions


The air compressor intervention saved approximately 160 000 kWh per year

The refrigeration intervention saves R 7 000-R 13 000 per weekend when allowed

The peak demand interventions saved an average of 150 kVA in comparison to the first year

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