How to do a Bill Verification

It is important to verify the bill you receive from your local council. Here we explain how to do bill verification using the Power-Star software. Typically, we expect the Power-Star readings to be within an acceptable range of the Council readings. If not, after verifying the Power-Star readings one of two cases can occur:

  1. The council is over-billing – the Power-Star data can be used to develop a case for some compensation
  2. The council is under-billing – the Power-Star data can be used to accrue for when council realise the mistake

In order to analyze the complicated bills you might receive, the Bill Verification tool was developed. This allows you to upload a digital version of the council bill, including meter reading dates, to the Power-Star system. The system will then go ahead and compare the raw data as well as the tariffs with our readings. A report will be generated that compares these items on a line-by-line basis.

The report can be found under the Financial heading:

All uploaded bills are displayed here for easy access. In order to upload a bill, click the “Create New Report” button. A custom dialogue will show, prompting you to enter the bill information from the council bill:

After the information is entered, press the Submit button. A report will be produced. We have highlighted all of the important factors.

Bill comparison between our meter and that of the local council.

How to do bill 3

How to do bill 4

Utility bills information is reflected here

Information from our online meter.

Results from our independent online meter

You will be able to see if the data corresponds with the utility bill from the local council. Amendments or provisions can then be requested.

Power-Star believes that it is important to know how to do bill verification. For more information about this important service contact us today.


  1. Online Energy Monitoring | Power-Star – […] is electricity not accounted for in the same way? Utility bills normally get sent straight to accounts and settled. …
  2. Initiating a Power Factor survey | Power-Star – […] systems and/or weak systems incur higher monthly costs on your utility bill. A power factor efficiency report can be …
  3. Bill Verification with Power-Star | Power-Star – […]  How to do Bill Verification […]
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