Over 30% savings at The One and Only Hotel with zero-cost interventions

Power-Star ran an energy management program at the prestigious One and Only Hotel in Cape Town over a period of three months in 2011. Using comprehensive measurement installations we were able to determine several areas of opportunity for savings. The opportunities were brought to the attention of the Maintenance manager, who suggested an intensive structured energy management program.

The General Manager had set the management team an ambitious target of 30% reduction in energy usage in 3 months. We implemented a novel approach to energy management where individual units were responsible for energy usage, instead of the engineering team. Following various interventions including HVAC optimization, new room procedures, and spot checks, the hotel showed a 35% reduction in energy usage.

Key to the success was individual responsibility of traditionally “non-technical” people, supported by the technical expertise of the engineering team and the Power-Star engineers. We learned quickly that interventions work better when there is personal involvement in the process.

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